Yamaha Motif Xf6 White 61-Key Workstation
The Yamaha flagship workstation keyboard is now available in a limited edition white. Your studio environment is pristine, why not your workstation?The next-generation Yamaha Motif XF builds on the decade-long heritage of Motif and breaks newYamaha’s best graded hammer keyboard action741MB of internal Wave ROM includes incredibly realistic pianos and acoustic instruments, vintage synths and the hip-hop sounds that all of today’s top producers are usingSophisticated 8-element synth architecture with XSpanded articulation and 18 different filter types let you shape your sound anyway you want;8 front-panel knobs and sliders make it easy to do even in real timeSustain pedal sold separately
Yamaha Yamaha Motif Xf6 White 61-Key Workstation MOTIFXF6 WH Keyboards & MIDI, Keyboard Workstations
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“Yamaha Motif Xf6 White 61-Key Workstation“