Pirastro evah pirazzi gold violin e stri… #2038v

Pirastro Evah Pirazzi Gold Violin E String 4/4 Medium Stainless Steel Loop EndPirastro Evah Pirazzi Gold Violin E String 4/4 Medium Stainless Steel Loop End
An expansion to the popular Evah Pirazzi line, the Pirastro Evah Pirazzi Gold Violin E string offers an excellent response with a refined and smooth sound to the top of the register.With a shorter break-in time, this string is not affected byAvailable in 4/4 sizeTailpiece end with gold silkingPeg end dark green silkingAvailable in ball or loop end Stainless steel construction
Pirastro Pirastro Evah Pirazzi Gold Violin E String 4/4 Medium Stainless Steel Loop End EVA315521 Orchestral Strings, Accessories for Orchestral Strings, Strings for Orchestral Instruments, Violin Strings

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Pirastro Evah Pirazzi Gold Violin E String 4/4 Medium Stainless Steel Loop End