Bad cat black cat 15w guitar head… #6859z

Bad Cat Black Cat 15W Guitar HeadBad Cat Black Cat 15W Guitar Head
If you have ever wanted the amazing tone and feel of the Black Cat 30, only with a more manageable volume, look no further than the Black Cat 15. Just like the 30-watt older brother, the Black Cat 15 is dripping in three-dimensional cleans. Push up the gaMade in USAPower: 15W (tube)Tube complement: one 12AX7 (pre-amp 1), one EF86 (pre-amp 2); two EL84 (power)Two footswitchable channelsImpedance: 4, 8 or 16FX loopHalf-power switchFootswitch optional
Bad Cat Bad Cat Black Cat 15W Guitar Head BC 15 HD Amplifiers & Effects, Amplifiers, Guitar Amplifiers, Guitar Amplifier Heads, Tube Guitar Amplifier Heads

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Bad Cat Black Cat 15W Guitar Head