Bad Cat Black Cat 15W Guitar Head
If you have ever wanted the amazing tone and feel of the Black Cat 30, only with a more manageable volume, look no further than the Black Cat 15. Just like the 30-watt older brother, the Black Cat 15 is dripping in three-dimensional cleans. Push up the gaMade in USAPower: 15W (tube)Tube complement: one 12AX7 (pre-amp 1), one EF86 (pre-amp 2); two EL84 (power)Two footswitchable channelsImpedance: 4, 8 or 16FX loopHalf-power switchFootswitch optional
Bad Cat Bad Cat Black Cat 15W Guitar Head BC 15 HD Amplifiers & Effects, Amplifiers, Guitar Amplifiers, Guitar Amplifier Heads, Tube Guitar Amplifier Heads
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“Bad Cat Black Cat 15W Guitar Head“