Bach Standard Series Trumpet Mouthpiece In Silver 6Bm
Bach Standard Series mouthpieces are some of the most popular mouthpieces in the world among both students and professionals.Vincent Bach was a rare combination of artist and engineer. A mechanical genius and acclaimed trumpet soloist, his insModel No. / Depth of Cup / Approx. Cup Dia. / Rim Shape / Description 1* / Deep / 17.50 mm / Medium thin. / Extra-large cup for players with a robust embouchure. Produces a great volume of tone. 1X / Deep / 17.00 mm / Medium wide. / The pre-1970 (old style) No. 1, with slightly smaller cup and wider rim than the present model. 1B / Medium deep / 17.00 mm / Medium wide. / Large cup for players with a robust embouchure. Produces a warm tone with great volume. 1C* / Medium / 17.00 mm / Medium wide. / Large diameter, medium cup good for all-around use. 1CW / Medium / 17.00 mm / Slightly wider, gradually lowered to outside. / Same as No.1C with wider cushion rim. 1D / Medium shallow / 17.00 mm / Medium wide. / Medium shallow cup facilitates high register. Brilliant sound. 1E / Shallow / 17.00 mm / Medium wide. / Facilitates high register. Excellent mouthpiece for soprano or piccolo trumpet. 1-1/4C / Medium / 17.00 mm / Medium wide. / Large cup for powerful trumpeters. Compact tone of great carrying power. 1-1/2B / Medium deep / 17.00 mm / Medium wide, not too sharp. / Produces a scintillating, warm tone of large volume. For players with a well-trained embouchure. Comfortable rim contour. 1-1/2C* / Medium / 17.00 mm / Medium wide, not too sharp. / Large diameter, medium cup good for all-around use. 2 / Deep / 16.50 mm / Medium wide, lowered toward the outside. / Large cup; powerful Teutonic quality of tone. For players with a good embouchure. 2C / Medium / 16.50 mm / Medium wide, lowered toward the outside. / Large cup; powerful, brilliant tone. For players with a good embouchure. 2-1/2C / Medium / 16.40 mm / Medium wide, lowered toward the outside. / Large cup; brilliant, heroic, crisp C trumpet tone. For players with strong, muscular lips. 2-3/4C / Medium / 16.40 mm / Slightly more narrow than No.2-1/2C. / Large cup; bright, lively C trumpet tone. For players with a normal embouchure. 3 / Deep / 16.30 mm / Medium wide. / Fairly large cup with full, rich tone. 3B / Medium deep / 16.30 mm / Medium wide. / A fairly large cup. The tone is warm and full. 3C* / Medium / 16.30 mm / Medium wide. / Fairly large cup, good for all-around use. 3CW / Medium / 16.30 mm / Slightly wider, lowered to outside. / Same as No.3C with wider cushion style rim. 3D / Medium shallow / 16.30 mm / Medium wide. / Fairly large, medium shallow cup produces a more brilliant tone. Facilitates high register. 3E / Shallow / 16.30 mm / Medium wide. / Preferred by players who want a large mouthpiece but with a shallow cup. Facilitates high register. 3F / Extra shallow / 16.30 mm / Medium wide. / Same as above but with extra
Bach Bach Standard Series Trumpet Mouthpiece In Silver 6Bm 3516BM Brass Instruments, Accessories for Brass Instruments, Brass Mouthpieces, Trumpet Mouthpieces
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“Bach Standard Series Trumpet Mouthpiece In Silver 6Bm“