Avalon U5 Pure Class A Mono Instrument Di-Preamplifier Black
On the gig, a good quality DI is good to have. In the studio, a great one is essential, and here it is. The Avalon U5 has earned a revered home in the pantheon of studio equipment. Miking a bass speaker has its charm, but the noise and inconsistent dynamiPure Class A, 100% discrete designVariable gain preamp to +30dB.Dual microphone and line outputsVery low noise (-100dB) and high headroom (+30dB)DC coupled Class A output for superior bassHigh cut switch eliminates noiseLow distortion less than 0.5% THD and IMDHigh-level 400 watt speaker inputActive to thru selector – ground isolation switch100% discrete power supplies for audio pathInternal toroidal power supply for low noise
Avalon Avalon U5 Pure Class A Mono Instrument Di-Preamplifier Black U5-B Pro Audio, Signal Processors, Microphone Preamps
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“Avalon U5 Pure Class A Mono Instrument Di-Preamplifier Black“